Todos Santos - Winter Session 2026 Workshops
Each workshop is limited to no more than eight participants to ensure maximum individual attention. Workshops run for 3 ½ hours each morning through the week; the instructor will be available after the workshop concludes each day to answer any questions.
The last afternoon will be devoted to “Office Hours”—an in-depth one-on-one conversation with your instructor, scheduled by appointment.
- Consultations with other TSWW instructors are also available and can be arranged and paid for directly with that instructor. We encourage these mentor sessions, as new eyes on your work will bring new insights.
Memoir with Jeanne McCulloch
Memoir with Karen Karbo
TSWW Winter Session offers two memoir classes, led by Jeanne McCulloch and Karen Karbo. Memoir creatively spins the stuff of one’s personal life into a story. This is a three-part process: first hearing, then trusting, and finally shaping one’s own voice into a compelling personal narrative. Through a series of writing prompts and class feedback, students in the TSWW memoir workshop will be guided and supported as they craft their own stories. Selections from recently published memoirs will be assigned for class discussion on occasion, and will be available all week to borrow. Students need not have a story in mind when they come to class, but they should expect to leave with one or two or more by week’s end.
Christopher Merrill
Strategies in Storytelling
Rex Weiner
That novel you’ve been writing forever—or intending to start. The short story that just needs a bit more work before submission. The screenplay stalled somewhere in the second act—or needing a first act. And what about that memoir you started a while ago? Why not get started (or get unstuck)? In this session, we'll use practical methods--writing prompts and a bag of tried-and-true writers tricks to connect with your original inspiration, locate your authentic voice and through-line, and get fired up to complete the work within a deadline (setting a deadline—your first step!) Recommended for writers at all levels in all genres.
Workshop offered in Todos Santos Winter Session only.
Todos Paris - May 19 - 24, 2025
Two classes each limited to 6 participants, focusing on fiction, with Karen Karbo, and memoir, with Jeanne McCulloch. This workshop for writers at all levels in the inspiring setting of springtime in Paris will meet you where you are in your project, whether it's a work-in-progress or something new.